这一集最想吐槽的就是圆桌骑士Lancelot居然是一个黑人来演的。。。 不是我种族歧视,亚瑟王时期是公元5世纪末6世纪初那段时间。。。而根据现存文字记载,贩卖黑奴最早出现于9世纪左右的伊斯兰国家。亚瑟王时期哪里来的黑人啊,更不要说还是圆桌骑士这样一个高贵的身份了!如果亚瑟王时期就能有黑人成为圆桌骑士,林肯怎会因为废奴而被杀,马丁·路德·金还说个毛的I Have A Dream啊! PS 推荐一下罗伯特·布列松拍的那部Lancelot du Lac,里面演Lancelot那位真是让我从小花痴到大啊~
5 Teasers For “The Queen is Dead” & “The Miller’s Daughter Episode
5. The Heart of the Matter Skirting around the theme of love and sacrifice in “The Queen is Dead,” Once really gets to the heart of the matter in The Miller’s Daughter, an episode which serves a timely reminder about why it’s not such a good idea to rip your own heart of out of your body and store it in a box for eternity. Of course, the whole ‘heart in a box’ thing is a wonderful metaphor about closing yourself off to love in order to secure the trappings of power, and both the metaphor and its literal counterpart are played out to a beautiful and tear-jerking finale over these two episodes. 5. 核“心”问题 第15集(The Queen is Dead)的主题围绕着爱和牺牲展开。《童话镇》剧组则在第16集(The Miller’s Daughter)里真正触及到了核“心”问题。这一集适时地提醒了我们,为什么把自己的心挖出身体,永远保存在盒子里,并不是个好主意。当然,“把心放在盒子里”其实是一个不错的比喻,形容那些为了确保攫取权力,封闭自己的内心而不去爱的人。无论是比喻还是挖心这件事本身,最后都为这两集设下了美丽而催泪的结局。
4. Unexpected Lovers You never know what or who you’re going to see in a Fairytale flashback. We certainly weren’t expecting these two well known characters to have shared such a passionate bond – despite the little hints and references scattered throughout the season. If this love had been allowed to blossom who knows where it might have ended. 4. 意想不到的情人 你永远不知道在童话王国的闪回中会发生什么事,或看到什么人。我们当然并不期望看到这两个我们已经耳熟能详的角色曾经有过那么激情的联系,尽管纵观整季剧情,我们很少能看到这方面的铺垫和暗示。如果容许这段爱情继续开花结果,天晓得故事该怎样结束。
3. Regina and Emma Face Off With Magic It’s all too brief, but it’s still beautiful. A tense moment in “The Miller’s Daughter” sees Emma and Regina go head to head in a magical battle. Emma is only starting to tap into her power, but this short-lived moment is super-charged with possibility. More please! 3. Regina和Emma魔法大对抗 过程很短,但是依然很漂亮。这是发生在16集中的紧张一刻,我们会看到Emma和Regina面对面投身魔法大战。Emma虽然刚刚开始挖掘自己的法力,但在这短暂的一刻,她很可能火力全开。让魔法来得更猛烈些吧!
2. A Hero Makes a Villain’s Move In true fairytale tradition, Once Upon a Time offers us clean cut heroes and evil villains dressed in black – with the notable exception of the amazing Lana Parrilla’s Regina, a character we first loved to hate then hated to love, and now simply love. However “The Queen is Dead” sets events in motion that will cause one of the show’s most beloved characters (and no we don’t mean Archie!) to do something unspeakable. The event will spark a shocked “This is not you!” from a friend and a sharp intake (or should that read out-take?) of breath from the audience. 2. 一名主角做了黑化的举动 《童话镇》在真正的童话传承上总是给我们展现一些泾渭分明的英雄人物和身着黑衣的反派角色。不过大概要除去令人惊叹的Regina(Lana Parrilla饰演),显然,这个角色一开始让我们因恨生爱,后来又让我们因爱生恨,到现在就是因爱而爱了。不过,15集触发了一系列事件,将会导致本剧最受喜爱的一个角色做出一些令人不齿的举动(不,我们说的不是Archie!)。这件事会让一个朋友大跌眼镜,令人难以置信,观众也会倒吸一口冷气(还是应该说大呼过瘾?)。
1. Death Becomes … Who? There’s no other way to say it. Events in “The Queen is Dead” lead to the death of a major character in “The Miller’s Daughter.” There are onscreen tears, and maybe a few of your own for this one!Sound off in the comments section if you think you can guess who it is, and how he/she buys it. 1. 死亡降临在谁身上? 对此,并没有其他的说法。15集的事件直接导致16集中一名主角的死亡。剧中人会为之掬一把热泪,说不定你自己也会忍不住!如果你觉得能猜出是谁,而他/她又是怎么死于非命的,那么就在底下留言说说你的看法吧。