NO.18-【Today is history】 歌德大尉在广场发表了他的“就职演讲”: “今天,是历史时刻,今天将长留青史,许多年后,年青人将以敬佩的心情谈起今天的事。今天,是历史时刻,六百年前,欧洲大瘟疫,死人无数,犹太人被指为祸端,当时的波兰国王,批准犹太人前来克拉科夫市,他们来了,源源而至,一车车行李,落地生根,发展起来,在企业、科学、教育、艺术等各方面…他们来时赤手空拳,一无所有,然后昌盛繁荣。六个世纪以来,犹太人,盘据着克拉科夫,你们不妨想想,由今晚开始,这半个世纪的事迹,将成为流言,可视为从未发生过…今天,是历史时刻”。
辛德勒的accountant是让我很欣赏的一个人,偷偷帮一些不合格的犹太人做假证件,好让他们能够进到D.E.F工作。 辛德勒的父亲说,一辈子必须结识的三种人:a good doctor, a good priest, a good accountant 斯皮尔伯格没有通过他本身来刻画他是一个good accountant,而是描绘工厂的成功。这比任何笔墨都能说明问题。 而对于accountant本身,更多的是表现他善良的内心,对民族同胞的关怀忧虑与爱。 于是这个人物有了两个鲜明的特征。
“There's no way I could have known this before. But there was always something missing, in every business I tried. I can see now, it wasn't me that failed. Something was missing. Even if I'd known that it was, there's nothing I could have done about it. Because you can't creative this thing. And it makes all the difference in the world between success and failure."
“I'm a member of the Nazi party. I'm a munitions manufacturer. I'm a profiteer of slave labor. I'm a criminal. And midnight you will be free and I'll be hunted. I shall remain with you until 5 minutes after midnight. After which time, I hope you will forgive me. I have to flee.”
“It's Hebrew, from the Talmud. It says,'whoever saves one life,saves the world entire.' ”
但是这时候他却泣不成声,一直在念着“I could have got more”..
他在后悔自己奢侈的生活,细数一辆车还可以救十个人, 一个pin还可以救2个人, “I could have...but I didn't...”
"I woke up from a dream this morning, I was broke and sleeping in a room with 12 people I didn't know. Only to discover I was broke and sleeping in a room with 12 people I didn't know.”
"You laugh about it?"
"I have to laugh."
"You are living behind walls"
"The walls I can deal with. It's the restrictions to my life I'm tired of. " "Those walls keep them out. That's all I care about."
"I like it here. There's a kind of , I don't know, ancestral squalor to it all."
"No one took my business away from me."
"You don't really have a business to take."
"There is nowhere down from here. This is the bottom."
"The getto is ... liberty."
这里可以看到不同的人,有的依旧对于自己的现状迷惘,每天醒来都想来到一个陌生的环境。有的对这样的生活选择一笑置之。有的把keep the Jews in的隔离区看成是Keep the Germen out。有的意识到这已经是最糟糕的境界的,庆幸不可能再糟了。有的甚至把这个隔离区就看成是自由的。
或许是迁移对于他们来说,太多了,多得承担多任何一次都会是the last straw that breaks the camel. 以至于后来宣布liberated时,没有欢呼没有兴奋,第一个问题是: