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宾夕法尼亚的斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm, Pennsylvania(2015)





  1. 从现实主义角度,是彻头彻尾的悲剧。从浪漫主义角度,我分不清囚犯和母亲创造的,哪一个才是地狱。





  2. 「I can't decide what the wrost thing that's ever happend to me is... being with you my whole life or being without you for the rest of it.」

    「It's natural to feel conflicted about my feelings. But how can you have feelings about something when you don't know anything about it? That's how I feel about everything.」

    「Is this how people love? They become a room for you to live in, and then they lock? How many rooms do you get in your life? Am I lucky or unlucky?」

    「I didn't leave because you were bad. The whole point of taking everything away from me in the first place was that I would get to be someone. I mean, I am someone, when I'm alone. But when I'm with other people, I am what they think I am. I don't know how to be that. And I think I don't want to be something to share anymore. I thought you couldn't choose your family and that you were trying to make me choose you. But then I saw that Ben chose me. He picked me out, and he made me his. And there is no one choosing that. There is no un-growing up. It's time for me to grow up for good and have something that's mine. And mine only. Sincerely, Leia.」

  3. 结局让人感到恐怖
    i maybe don't love anyone,maybe
    or maybe that doesn't matter.
    I'd say i wish i could be different,but i don't.
    i don't know what that would be.
    i'm sorry i don't remember you from before,but i remember you now.

    i don't leave because you were bad,the whole point of taking eveything away from me in the first place was that i would get to be someone.i mean,i am someone,when i'm alone.
    but when i'm with other people,i am what they think i am.i don't know how to be that.
    And i think i don't want to be something to share anymore.I thought you couldn't choose your family and that you were trying to make me choose you.But then i thought that Ben chose me.He picked me out,and he made me his.And there's no one choosing that.
    There is no un-growing up.it's time for me to grow up for good and have something that's mine.And mine only.
  4. 我就是感觉这个女孩她虽然被人家囚禁在地下室这么多年,但是我觉得他出来即便获得了自由,他可能还是无法适应现在的生活,这猪一体现出一个绑架的行为对那个人的人生和整个人造成多大的伤害,西尔莎罗南真的是一步一步拍的越来越经典的电影吧,从一开始的小萝莉到变成慢慢成熟的女生,确实,这就是这部电影比较让人喜欢的点吧,不管怎么样,确实好看!