don't got a lot of time don't give a damn don't tell me what to do i am the man if there's a God up there something above God, shine your light down here shine on the love love of the loveless
don't have too many friends never felt at home always been my own man pretty much alone i know how to get through and when push comes to shove i got the love love of loveless
all around you , people walking empty hearts and voices talking looking for and finding
说到这里则涉及到影片的根本立意与取向,也就是编剧和导演真正想要表达的是什么。这是一个仁者见仁、智者见智的问题,不过,如果你知道本片的导演马克·佩灵顿(Mark Pellington)就是其后《这个男人来自地球》(The Man from Earth)的执行制片人,我想你就不会轻易对其归类和判断了,某些网站上关于电影说法是不正确的。
正如《这个男人来自地球》(The Man from Earth)一样,我把本片视为西方某些前卫电影人对电影这门艺术的再造和超越,代表未来电影的新趋势,并且其注定会成为一个有强大生命力的潮流。