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异形奇花 Little Shop of Horrors(1986)


    故事讲述西摩在得到一株以吸取人血产生的奇异花卉后,不惜以牺牲自己的代价来赢取顾客的青睐和美人的芳心。然而在名利双收之时,摩西发现这朵奇花在长大的同时,自己已不能控制它的成长,并且生命也面临危险。良心与名利之间,摩西终于醒悟,于是正邪之战由此展开。该片因缘于歌舞剧,故不可 能成为主流作品,而且较正统歌舞剧所不及。其独特之处在于能说会道小花的电影特技和轻松插曲,总的讲仍不失为一部赏心妙品。



  1. 还是第一次看如此有趣的恐怖片,这恐怖片中经常出现的就是歌曲,而且是那种即兴唱的歌曲,不论是恐怖的植物,还是主角,他们想表达意见的时候,都是用唱的,好好玩。


  2. 无论是电影版还是音乐剧版,《异形奇花》(The Little Shop of Horrors)都是脑洞清奇的奇葩作品,却非常对观众的胃口,成为了一部邪典(Cult)大片。


    The Little Shop of Horrors首先开始于被称为“B级片之王”的罗杰·科曼拍摄于1960年的作品,江湖传闻花了两天时间和2.7万美元就拍完了,堪称电影界的传说。




    什么是邪典(Cult)片? 把Cult电影翻译成邪典电影,这“邪”与“典”两个字概括了这类影片的两种情况:






    Little Shop of Horrors系列的万圣节装扮也都非常有创意。


    片中人物形象很有特点。戴眼镜的是男主人公Seymour,一个在花店工作的笨手笨脚的员工。有一天他偶然碰到了一株奇怪的植物,买回家开始养,以自己喜欢的女孩的名字给它起名为Audrey II,结果发现植物以人血为食。喂了它几滴血之后,植物长大了,吸引了很多顾客和媒体记者,为Seymour保住了工作、带来了名誉。于是Seymour走上了杀人分尸的不归路……


    我看的是第一个版本,结局男主也被植物吃掉之后,Audrey II衍生了无数棵小Audrey II,进入了纽约的千家万户。电影最后以一群吃人植物像哥斯拉一样占据纽约街头,踩烂高楼大厦,盘踞了自由女神像为结束。可以说是科幻片中少见的、异形最终战胜了人类的作品,堪称是科幻电影里的一股清流。




    然后Seymour就真的把她喂回Audrey II嘴里去了……



    Audrey II作为一棵外星植物,来到地球之后一直生活在白人圈里,却莫名地说了一口地道的黑人口音街头话,时不时地彪几个脏字,唱腔还深得黑人灵魂乐的精髓。看完全片我最想知道的是,它到底是跟谁学的这英语?

    除了施虐狂的Audrey II和受虐狂的男女主之外,片中还有两个更极端的SM狂。Audrey的家暴男友从小就是个虐待小动物的变态,长大后当了牙医,因为可以就职业之便折磨人。 Excuse me? 这变态逻辑之缜密真是令在下佩服得五体投地。


    你没看错,牙医是由Steve Martin扮演的。这首歌是全片中刀妹最喜欢的,够变态、够搞笑,Steve Martin演活了这个用猫王的方式说话唱歌跳舞的浮夸变态,充分证明了不想当猫王的牙医不是好变态。 这部电影还让观众头一次进到一个人的嘴里往外看,无比魔性。



    然而,一个以折磨人为乐的人突然碰到了一个以受虐为乐的病人,别提多郁闷了。如果个个病人都是这样,那当牙医还有什么乐趣可言? 这逻辑也是一点毛病没有。

    对,你没看错,这个受虐狂是Bill Murray演的,他出场的这一小段戏承包了我三天的笑点。看看这被虐到爽暴的小表情~


    片中的人物逻辑异于常人,于是引发了不按寻常套路发展的剧情。刚看完让人有种不吐槽不痛快的不适感,服用两天后,就真香了。越品越觉得这部电影怪出了新意,怪出了高度,怪美怪美的,让我的审美得到了刷新。 这也许就是邪典电影的魔力吧。


  3. Death Note and Little Shop of Horrors: A Study in Contrast
            What would you do if you had the power to bring death to any individual just by writing his name on a notebook or leaving him to a plant?
            After having enjoyed the musical, Little Shop of Horrors, I am reminded of a movie, Death Note, which I watched last week. The two pieces have such distinct cultural backgrounds and time periods: Death Note was created in the 1960s in the Eastern culture, and Little Shop of Horrors was created in 2000s in the Western culture. However, these two works express a very similar theme: death, the most misunderstood subject in the world today.
            Based on a popular Japanese manga written by Takeshi Obata, Death Note tells the story of a very normal university student, Light, who has a very strong sense of justice and wants to be a policeman, like his father. One day, he picked up a notebook left by a “God of death” and found that the rules written on the inside front cover actually work—whoever has his name written inside the book will meet death by heart attack. This rule just scratches the surface, as Light continues to experiment with the capabilities of the book, internalizing all the rules to manipulate them to work to his advantage. At first, he just killed criminals who could not be punished due to the lack of testimony. But as time went on, he lost control, and began killing people just for the purpose of winning the game, including his girlfriend and father. In the end, Light was killed by the God of death, who was bored with the game, and “lost the opportunity to enter either heaven or hell.”
            An unlimited power cannot coexist with morality, just as no one can unhesitatingly and consistently do just things. When man can do anything he wants, like an omnipotent being, he will lose control.
            In fact, the God of death could not kill people without any reason, because everyone had a decided lifespan. He left the death note to the human world for fun. What’s more, the God of death ended up with a much longer life, because the life of the people killed by Light was transferred to the God of death. It was similar to the way that Audrey II became stronger and bigger by eating human bodies.
            Death Note and Little Shop of Horrors both mentioned crime, but Little Shop of Horrors is more illuminating. The way of revealing the crime is creative and fun. The florist, Seymour, is like the nerdy milquetoast of a fairytale. The comedy elements of the play reduced the terror of it. Each of the characters has a full personality and is rich in humor.
            As Audrey II grew bigger and bigger every day, it attracted more and more visitors, bringing a lot of money and business to the flower shop. All of the people loved it and enjoyed its unparalleled beauty, but no one paid any attention to its danger. The director criticized people who became blind and ignored the inclement inner by the appearance of things.
            From beginning to end, Audrey never had the ability to hurt humankind on its own; it could not walk or use any magic. Human greed and desire send human flesh and flood continuously to its mouth. Many sins are due to the behavior of ourselves, illustrated by the story about the wolves that eat people in north India. In fact, it was because their kids were killed by humans first that they wanted revenge. So, the killed a few human children, and since then, they find human flesh delicious, and continue killing children of the village.
            The biggest disaster that humans meet always comes from the masterpiece of ourselves.
            Although there are a lot of descriptions of death in both Death Note and Little Shop of Horrors, the meanings of death behind them are quite different. In eastern people’s minds, individual death is treated as a transition to a group, which means that people wish that they can leave something to their offspring and be remembered. But in the western culture, death belongs to an individual life, and will remain in a different way, such as in a soul.
            Eastern culture was greatly influenced by Buddhism, which holds the belief that people should neither want death nor hate death, but think well of death. People should recognize that life is uncertain and, more importantly, empty. For example, the Chinese think highly of funerals and will try their best to plan a luxurious one while they are still in the world. However, the importance of funerals is not because they believe that there is another world after death, but to show the people who are still alive that the main purpose of life is to be remembered.
            Are the deaths of criminals in Death Note and the death of the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors pitiful and unjust? Yes, I think so. Although the criminals and the dentist had done a lot of bad things that made everybody hate them, they still had the right to live. If some individual had just killed them, he would have become one of them too. The vicious circle will never end, which creates a crazy world.
  4. 不知道标题咋想 就随便说一下





    花店老板看见男主杀人 但是为了利益,终极愿意为男主隐瞒,可最后自食恶果。(同时男主一步一步逼退花店老板到食人花,也欺骗花店老板,可想而已,在利益面前,所有懦弱无能的人,也会奋起反抗吧)




