故事发生在1969年的巴黎,保罗(杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies 饰)是一位热爱电影的青年,怀揣着对于电影的美好理想,他来到了文艺圣地巴黎,想在这里,凭借着自己的努力和运气打出一片天地。然而,现实却并不如想象中的那样美好,来到巴黎后,保罗只能在片场里跑跑龙套,连摄影机都摸不到,更别说当导演拍电影了。
包裹在一个反乌托邦背景下文艺气质对商业规则的反戈一击反类型片戏中戏,气质颇有罗杰·瓦迪姆的B级廉价神韵而剧情又不失新意。小有才气的菜鸟导演如何在sb的电影公司大佬商业审美(只需要结尾来个BANG!真是卖拷贝)插入个人风格?答案:枪和女人。全片的气质走向就是这两种类型的左右互搏,前三分之二纯粹是对二次元女神的庸俗意淫,后三分之一男女主角的身心的“解放”并手刃神秘极权BOSS升华全片,前面的二次元铺陈原来是对电影公司大佬的揶揄讽刺(他极其讨厌的电影结尾:an end without an end,听起来多文艺!)。 索菲拉科波拉打了个被包养情妇的酱油,化妆后的女主简直是斯威夫特和简西摩尔的合体。。。
近未来科幻、月之暗面基地……都不重要,重要的是AL唯一一次的女主役! 从开头就很喜欢。Dragonfly这个人造女007角色加上未来版格瓦拉,几乎就是片中片的全部看点了,至于那个“终极武器”、Revolution和基地which settled on the "dark side of the moon"(——这不是Pink Floyd嘛),都是可笑又可爱的小幌子。 看到三分之二出去吃饭的当儿,我替Paul思考Dragonfly的结局应该是如何,我就想女主拿到终极武器后不是那么容易带走的,男主还是会在后面出现把武器夺走,她应该也没那么容易离开月球。后来看了结尾,的确是武器争夺战,还有公路飞车,但是都是回到巴黎之后的事。 最后Dragonfly原本(死的是复本)出现,说We are identical in all respects.的时候我简直快喷了。这就是夫妻双双把家还的终极ending嘛。。。 总之,AL依旧不负所望得拉风,科波拉的想象力也给人很大惊喜,男主角细声细气的也很舒服,“大鼻子情圣”也配角了一把。 有空我还是把穿越大吉岭再看一遍。
"I Don't Care How Much It Is... I'd Take Lindvall Instead"
Some of the reviews:
Mmm, Lindvall... The Coppola son has fashioned a film better than anything his legendary father has made in years. CQ is a film with tons of cinematic references and inside jokes that only those with a high 'Film IQ' will be able to pick up on. This is a well made film. Movies that are about other movies are odd in that I would usually prefer to see the fictional film rather than the one I am actually watching. In CQ, both films appear to be equally fun and exuberant. They are both colorful and entertaining and worth a trip to the theatre. Angela Lindvall is one of the few supermodels who have made a successful transition into acting... she is a delight to watch here in a really terrific role, part Barbarella - part James Bond! Did anyone else think the computer with a French accent was a nice touch?
Anyway almost all the reviewers love that movie and agree Roman Coppola's choice of Lindvall.And I hadn't expected more from it besides AL, then I see it and find out who made it - the son of Francis Coppola(Godfather) and brother of Sophia Coppola(Lost in Translation) and the one who wrote and directed The Darjeeling Limited.---)*o*(