1. 像融化的蓝宝石般游过 the moment flows by liken molten sapphire 这片静谧的深蓝 deep blue silences 没有地的支撑,没有天的包裹 no earth below,no sky above 唯有窸窣作响的海水声 the rustling branches and leaves 诉说着只有你在这里 are saying only you are here 只有我 only me 我的呼吸和心跳 my breath and my heartbeat 如此深邃,如此孤独 such depth,such solitude 和我 and me 唯有我 only me 现在我能体会到我的存在 i now believe i exist
莱拉:天啊!你怎么知道你能否活到那个时候? Size the day,my friend! First, live this day to the fullest. then think about 40.
3. 阿琼:我们为什么要躺在这?我是说,这太可笑了
莱拉:no, It’s ridiculous that you’ve never done this before.
阿琼:怎么做? 我无法摆脱在伦敦的那个漂亮的家。
阿琼:哇,伙计,我应该像你学习 我觉得我过去一直都活在盒子里 但是你 You are free You are free,莱拉 莱拉:阿琼 人惟一一次应该待在盒子里….是他死的时候
4. 当痛苦之云在天空若隐若现 when clouds of pain loom in the sky 当悲伤的影子摇曳忽闪 when a shadow of sadness flickers by 当眼泪夺眶而出 when a tear finds it’s way to the eye 当恐惧始终与孤独相伴 when fear keeps the loneliness alive 我试着安慰自己问:“为什么要哭?” i try and console my heart why is it that you cry ?i ask 这只是生活所给予的 this is only what life imparts 所有内心的寂寞 these deep silences within 都会随着时间释放 have been handed out to all by time 每个人的故事都有些许阴霾 everyone‘s story has a little sorrow 每个人的生活也都有阳光普照 everyone‘s share has a little sunshine 不必在眼中装满泪水 no need for water in your eyes 每时每刻都会开始新的生活 every moment can be a new life 为什么要让它们擦肩而过 why do you let them pass you by 我的心 为什么要哭泣? oh heart,why is it that you cry?
5. 如果你的内心有不安 if you carrying you restlessness in you heart 那么你还活着 you are alive 如果你的眼中有对梦想的渴望 if you are carrying the lighting of dreams in your eyes 那么你还活着 you are alive 像一阵风一般的自由生活 like a gust of wind,learn to live free 学着像大海的波浪般流动 learn to flow like the waves that makes a sea 张开你的双臂拥抱每个时刻 let your arms be wide open,to every moment you meet 每个时刻你都可能收获一份问候 may every moment gift you a new sight to greet 如果你的眼中有期望 if your are carrying you wonder in your eyes 那么你还活着 you are alive 如果你的内心有不安 if you carrying you restlessness in you heart 那么你还活着 you are alive
像融化的蓝宝石般游过 the moment flows by liken molten sapphire 这片静谧的深蓝 deep blue silences 没有地的支撑,没有天的包裹 no earth below,no sky above 唯有窸窣作响的海水声 the rustling branches and leaves 诉说着只有你在这里 are saying only you are here 只有我 only me 我的呼吸和心跳 my breath and my heartbeat 如此深邃,如此孤独 such depth,such solitude 和我 and me 唯有我 only me 现在我能体会到我的存在 i now believe i exist
如果你的内心有不安 if you carrying you restlessness in you heart 那么你还活着 you are alive 如果你的眼中有对梦想的渴望 if you are carrying the lighting of dreams in your eyes 那么你还活着 you are alive 像一阵风一般的自由生活 like a gust of wind,learn to live free 学着像大海的波浪般流动 learn to flow like the waves that makes a sea 张开你的双臂拥抱每个时刻 let your arms be wide open,to every moment you meet 每个时刻你都可能收获一份问候 may every moment gift you a new sight to greet 如果你的眼中有期望 if your are carrying you wonder in your eyes 那么你还活着 you are alive 如果你的内心有不安 if you carrying you restlessness in you heart 那么你还活着 you are alive
当痛苦之云在天空若隐若现 when clouds of pain loom in the sky 当悲伤的影子摇曳忽闪 when a shadow of sadness flickers by 当眼泪夺眶而出 when a tear finds it’s way to the eye 当恐惧始终与孤独相伴 when fear keeps the loneliness alive 我试着安慰自己问:“为什么要哭?” i try and console my heart why is it that you cry ?i ask 这只是生活所给予的 this is only what life imparts 所有内心的寂寞 these deep silences within 都会随着时间释放 have been handed out to all by time 每个人的故事都有些许阴霾 everyone‘s story has a little sorrow 每个人的生活也都有阳光普照 everyone‘s share has a little sunshine 不必在眼中装满泪水 no need for water in your eyes 每时每刻都会开始新的生活 every moment can be a new life 为什么要让它们擦肩而过 why do you let them pass you by 我的心 为什么要哭泣? oh heart,why is it that you cry?
我们只活在今天,好好珍惜,好好把握,活出自己。印度电影Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara其实讲得就是这样的一个谁都知道的道理,但是真正做到的却没有几个。公路片的手法游历西班牙,体验活动从天上的跳伞到海底的潜水,从一夜的宿醉到清醒的选择与公牛赛跑,从友情,爱情,亲情的模糊缺失到最后一切的画上圆满。印度电影再一次用悲喜交加的手法把我感动了,一方面看见生命的色彩,一方面看见印度人对人生的思考。这部电影让我不由自主的联想到3idiots ,同时是3个朋友,不一样的经历却诉说了几乎是同样的道理。和看3idiots一样,2个半小时的时间一点也不觉得长,当中或笑或泪,也牢记了那些感动了我的画面。