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新成长的烦恼 第二季 Lizzie McGuire Season 2(2002)

新成长的烦恼  第二季 Lizzie McGuire Season 2(2002)

又名: 莉琪的异想世界 / 平民天后 / What's Lizzie Thinking?

导演: 斯蒂夫·德·贾纳特

编剧: Terri Minsky

主演: 希拉里·达芙 拉蕾妮 亚当·兰伯格

类型: 喜剧 家庭

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 2002-02-08(美国)

集数: 34 单集片长: 22分钟 IMDb: tt0634192 豆瓣评分:9.1 下载地址:迅雷下载





  1. You rock,don't ever change,and,only,I really mean it.
    We've been best friends for as long as I can remember.
    We've shared everything together and so I feel I should finally share this with you.
    I really, really like you a lot and I think you're beautiful, both inside and out.
    I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am without you and your friendship.
    There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other.
    I will always be by your side. Your friend always, and hopefully more if you want. Gordo.

  2. 壬寅小暑大暑 2022

    【There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other.】看到这句又泪目了 期望以后我也会拥有这么好的朋友 今天上传了许多截图 期望网友们不会忘记这部剧


    辛丑 小满 芒种

    五十度灰里面俩人的故事起始于【I want more】 这里又看到这个词

    小小一个词 蕴含这么多情愫 真是奇妙的语言


    辛丑 惊蛰 春分 2021

    There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other. Hopefully “more” if you want


    You rock,don't ever change,and,only,I really mean it. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've shared everything together and so I feel I should finally share this with you. I really, really like you a lot and I think you're beautiful, both inside and out. I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am without you and your friendship. There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other. I will always be by your side. Your friend always, and hopefully more if you want.


    【丙申小暑大暑】 if you believe we've got a picture-perfect plan we've got you fooled cause we only do the best we can and sometimes we make it and sometimes we fake it but we got one step closer each and everyday we'll figure it out on the way

    _____________________________________ 请允许我在这里胡侃一番,废话连篇一通。 时间它只能一个劲的往前走,不可逆。让我想起了[华尔街2]里的一句台词,money is a bitch that never sleeps。主语换一下,是一个概念。 没有觉得怀念过去的时光,或是想回到过去的意思。因为以后会有更为人所期待的事情发生。但是,每次看到Lizzie,就觉得,我是和她一起长大的。 你又胖、又傻、又可爱,你把我乐死了。 你还记得吗,kate被拉拉队踢出来的时候,你和她的关系已经不好了。但还是无私的帮助一个胳膊受伤的她练习动作,让她回归队长之位。丝毫没有看她笑话之心。 你被龙尼,那个送报纸的瓜娃子甩了以后,在图书馆哭得那么伤心,我记得你对戈多说:我可能没有她漂亮、没有她聪明··· 还有戈多,你绝对是个童话。可爱的卷毛、大大的眼睛,每次你出现都是让人感到心里那么愉悦。我记得你在那面“进入哈佛大学需要长这么高”的墙壁上,发现自己差得很远而叹息;戈多你不要觉得遗憾啊,你那么优秀那么好,已经足够啦! 人一长大就开始想着急功近利了。现在很难再去看一部电视剧,不管是国语的、还是外语的。曾经那么喜欢的Lizzie McGuire,现在打开PPS也是心急的看不下去。憋了6年多害怕浪费时间而没敢看的台版流星花园,今年寒假也是逼着自己看了7集,看不动了。试想一下,Lizzie McGuire,它就是给十几岁上中学的小孩子看的,我现在老的一大学生了,还看的个什么劲。而台版流星花园是2001年上的,那时我才小学女生一个啊(正看情深深雨蒙蒙、金粉世家 着呢吧)。现在早已看透偶像剧到底是个啥,也就心里怀着一种 藏都藏不住的浪费时间的心理,再去看流星花园吧。 最近流行的TBBT和GLEE,还有前两年迷死女娃子们的GOSSIP GIRL,其实我都没有咋看过。美剧长啊!尽管一集可能就只有二、三十分钟,但是一季一季的出,对于我这种利益最大化的人,也是行不通的。如此想来,我唯一差不多好好看过的美剧,就是Lizzie McGuire了。而看完它以后,也懒得再看别的了。 你们看,Hilary现在都长大了,她好瘦啊!我都记不起她原来是个胖妞了。甚至她在[灰姑娘的玻璃手机]里,都是带点婴儿肥的。原来看过这部剧的,现在都长大了吧。 就如你现在吃到一种圆豆豆,和华华丹一模一样的味道; 见到一个红色圆盒子,里面刚好可以放一卷大大泡泡糖; 见到一个铁文具盒里,有西瓜太郎香豆的味道; ………

  3. 童年的回忆就是只属于自己心中的,那最柔软、幼稚、美好,并且不可取代的秘密宝藏。最爱剧中戈多写给利齐年鉴中的话。Dear Lizzie:You rock,don't ever change,and,only,I really mean it. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've shared everything together and so I feel I should finally share this with you. I really, really like you a lot and I think you're beautiful, both inside and out. I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am without you and your friendship. There's nothing to be afraid of if we have each other. I will always be by your side. Your friend always, and hopefully more if you want. Gordo.