"Someone once told me that, to write well, you have to write what you know. This is what I know.
"I'm 25 years old, and I've never really kissed a guy. I gave it to the course and most of my child years were spent doing the extra homework I requested from the teachers. High school is more of the same. Then at 17, it seems that my life was about to change. The cutest guy asked me to the senior prom, but it turned out him bamed me as a screw joke. And I've never fully recovered.
"I received an assignment first as a reporter to go back to high school and find out about the kids today. What I ended up finding is myself and that high school hasn't changed.
"There is still that one teacher who marches to our own drama. There are girls who are still there, the ones that even has you grown up, will remain the most beautiful girls you've ever seen close up. The smart kids, who everyone else knew as the brains, but I just knew them as my soul mates, my teachers, my friends. And there is still that one guy, because of mysterious confidence, who seems so perfect in every way, the guy you get up and go to school for in the morning. South Glan would not have been the same without him. High school would not have been the same without him. I would not have been the same without him.
"I live a lifetime with regrets after my first high school experience. And now, after my second, my regrets deduct to the one. A certain teacher was hurt on my path to self discovery. And although this article may serve as a step, it in no way makes up what I did to him. To this man, you know who you are, I'm so sorry. And I would like to add one more thing: I think I'm in love with you. And so I propose this, as an ending to this article and perhaps a beginning of the next chapter of my life: I, Josie Galar, would be at the State Championship Baseball Game with my friends of the South Glan playing for the title. I will stand in the middle of the pitch 5 minutes prior the first pitch. If this man accepts my apology, I ask him to come kiss me--my first real kiss."