导演: Karen Disher
编剧: Peggy Nicoll Anne D. Bernstein Glenn Eichler
主演: Tracy Grandstaff 温迪胡普斯 Julián Rebolledo
类型: 动画
制片国家/地区: 美国
上映日期: 1999-02-17(美国)
集数: 13 单集片长: 22分钟 IMDb: tt0554520 豆瓣评分:9.5 下载地址:迅雷下载
看到 D和T披萨店说起作业不适合一起做,就心中难过,trent那几句对于一切的抱歉,我就很不争气地快哭了。(鄙视自己的矫情)第四季还没有看,虽然从前几集看来,D似乎也渐渐从crush中冷静下来,虽即使大家常常能碰面,但是对trend没有那么理想化了。甚至,在脑补未来时,她都想到的是,trend已经成为中年还没火起来的吉他手,成家后的生活全靠她一人补贴的窘境了。可还是,私心地想给D的初恋画上一个圆满的句号。于是,就有了这篇脑洞: 自那次披萨店分别后,D就没再见到过T了。不知道是刻意的回避还是t真的越来越忙了。一天,D接到了t 的电话,约她出来。其实就在她家门外的匆匆见面,T似乎越发憔悴或者也可以说是一如既往地颓废吧,言简意赅地寒暄后,两人相对无言。T从口袋掏出了一小盒磁带,“嘿,这是给你的”“什么?”“听了你就知道了。”“嗯好,谢谢。”“我走了,乐队排练”“好的,我什么时候还你这?”“不用急,我会来取的。还有。。。。。。请不要和J说”“哦好”。 D回屋,径直上楼,进房间,锁门,转身掏出磁带。合上Walkman时,手被卡了一下,恩,是的。有点心急,似乎过了很久了吧,还是。。。她自嘲地抿了下嘴,给自己的不淡定,翻了个白眼。按下播放键,是熟悉的声音:“我不想沉默,可要怎么开口”“我不想承认,可是否还可能”“。。。。。”突然后面的模糊起来,变卡了?什么情况?D拿起耳机,凑到耳边。。。。。。然后后面没有了声音,不是,是还有音乐,没有歌词。。。吉他声变得急促,一如现在D的心跳。 D在接下来的几小时,把磁带来回听了几十遍。还是只有那几句,他究竟想说什么? 第二天,J见到D似乎一夜未眠的憔悴脸,诧异道:“不要隐瞒,说是什么竟然让你也变成夜行动物了。。。昨晚破例重播了一晚上的sick and sad world? 好了,快公布答案”,D。“呃。。。”耳边突然飘来那句“不要告诉J”D 淡定地张口,“呃,收到了一份额外的作业,还和委托方签了保密协议”好吧,J耸耸肩,“听起来挺酷,不过可别太拼啊。”D暗自松了口气。 放学路上,两人有一搭没一搭的吐槽,D还是有点心不在焉。一抬头,到家门口了。再看一眼,T站在马路边,等她? “我想你应该听过了”“恩。”“我。。。有点饿了,请吃披萨”“恩好。” 一路无言地来到披萨店,还是那张桌子。 坐下,点餐,还是无言。D淡定地握住果汁,准备喝。该死。。。手滑了一下,没有抖,这次。恩。。。是出汗了。。。紧张什么?好在T似乎没有看过,他低头,垂目,咬了一口披萨,眉毛微微皱了下,似乎烫到了一下。恩。。。很好,D快速将果汁举到脸前,移开视线。 “D,我是一个相信灵感的人,你相信吗?”他开口了。。。。哦,他发问了? “嗯,”D迟疑了一下,快速集中了注意力,“你指的是,相信灵感还是相信你相信灵感?” “噗嗤”T挑了下眉头,似乎放松了不少“你还是那么有意思!看到你没变,真让人开心!” “呃。。。” 他没让她开口,突然又开口了,似乎深吸了口气,那种,类似于上台后,需要调整下呼吸,进入状态的那口气。 这神情,让D着迷。“嘿,不要分心”D在内心对自己说。 “我以为,我会和之前一样,回到以前的状态。可是没有。于是我试图理顺些什么,可是。。。你懂的。规划之类,不是我的擅长。。。于是,我没在想,但是你却出现在我的歌词里。。。这,这不是我的规划。。。你懂的。。。。歌词,是我的灵感。。。。。比起规划,我更。。。。。。相信我的灵感。” 他边说边若有所思,可是目光没有了一如往日里的迷离,确切地说,他一直在认真地看着她。似乎这样,才有勇气把这些一口气说完。似乎,他正看着他的。。。灵感。 D有点。。。不知所措,不是那种以前的不知所措,是从未认识这个人一般的不知所措。D似乎明白了什么。又似乎什么也没明白。D喃喃自语般重复道,“恩,灵感。” T突然恢复了严肃脸,“我很抱歉,关于承诺,我们的理解不同。我想当时这让我太沮丧了。”D有点难受,她何尝没有看到他们之间的不同,可能他看到的更多吧,她事后常这样想。 “可是,我发现,失去我们的可能性,让我更沮丧” 他的手是什么时候放下披萨的,油腻腻的。。。恩,可还是很温暖。 D没有收回她的手,那只刚还是有点出汗的手。 “D,我不想失去你!”,他的口气还是那种淡淡的,但他的手握得更紧了 恩,手心虽然有点热,但是这会不想说什么,至少,让他先握上一会儿。 “该死,我的脸怎么又有点热。。。”D挣了挣了眼。。。。。
这一季主线剧情逐渐无聊只能靠看呕心小世界维持生活,前两季剧情精彩的时候我根本没怎么注意到呕心小世界。Daria也没那么酷了,我很不满意,已经有这么多人顺从于teen drama了,为什么还要多D和J两个。
Oh, what a joy I didn’t wake up dead.
What tales of nothing will unfold?
Nowhere isn’t anywhere I want to live.
Nowhere is an address that’s very hard to give.
I want to live to see what this place looks like after it’s obliterated.
It’s this sitting here doing nothing!
The sight’s a bit too much for me!
How about thinking people should accept me for who I am
Without my having to change?
Right! They should accept you for you are:
A complex and interesting young lady worth knowing,
Instead of seeing your glasses and jumping to some moronic conclusion
Based on ridiculous stereotypes and their own ignorance.
I always knew this day would come and wondered how it would be.
And, now that is has, I feel strangely…serene.
Suppose you were well known for not caring what other people think of you,
And then suddenly you did something
That showed maybe you do care a little about what other people think of you.
Would that invalidate everything you’d done and said up till then
And make you a hypocrite?
So that she can get under my skin.
I’m a hypocrite and phony. That’s what’s the matter.
Who told you you had to be a martyr to principle?
To have standards too high to live up to.
Like we’re not that different, just human, or whatever.
We are just human or whatever.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.
They’re homeless, they’re not tasteless.
I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of helping me.
I wouldn’t let her know she was helping me.
Nativities mean Christmas, and Christmas means revenue.
Don’t have to be a wise man to figure that out.
Could they make the holidays any more vulgar?
The more debased they become, the less reason to celebrate them.
Sometimes I wonder if you’re too cynical, even for me.
The blood’s the reason they’re so still.
Get ready to work like you’ve never worked before!
My own flesh and blood.
Couldn’t just let me enjoy the moment, could you?
I’ve come, I’ve seen, let’s go.
Being young, care free, having your whole life ahead of you and dancing the night away to celebrate.
Now let’s slow thing down so we can heat things up, if you get my drift.
We’re young, but wise; edgy, but full of heart.
As far as I can make out, edgy occurs when middlebrow, middle-aged
Profiteers are looking to suck the energy, not to mention the spending money,
Out of the “youth culture”.
So they come up with this fake concept of seeming to be dangerous
When every move they make
Is the result of market research and a corporate master plan.
I’m not being negative, I’m being edgy.
I made you, and I can unmake you!
Okay. What am I doing here?
How am I going to get through this?
Dear God, help me.
Sometimes I feel like the whole adult world is against youth culture.
Except the adults making a nice, fat living off of it.
What do you mean pushing yourself as some kind of role model
When all you care about is how you look and what celebrities you know?
Aren’t teenage girls screwed up enough
Without you foisting your shallow values on them
And making their lousy self-images even worse?
Why don’t you get in touch with the 30-something without?
Your readers aren’t going to be teenagers forever, unlike you.
A real role model would be teaching them stuff they can use.
That’s check and mate.
Yes. From just the right angle, I really can see through your head.
So your head would serve as sort of an accent piece.
But you’ve got far more to offer than your neck.
You made me lose my place.
In fact, I doubt I can ever top today’s performance.
So I think I’ll take early retirement, starting tomorrow.
You’ve already seen me in enough humiliating situations.
So what would one more hurt? Misery loves company.
It went surprisingly well.
Should I come down and visit? Offer some moral support?
They’ve, like, hijacked my brain.
Moth to a flame.
You betcha.